Does Medicaid pay for Assisted Living?

When looking for an independent living community that is affordable for you or your loved ones, you may wonder if assisted living facilities will take Medicaid as payment. As the video “Difference between skilled nursing and assisted living? Does Medicaid pay for assisted living?” explains, the state of New Jersey requires a certain percentage of beds in private assisted living facilities to take Medicaid if they were built after 2001. These beds usually have a grace period before this is enforced.

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Some buildings provide contracts that guarantee a bed that will be covered by Medicaid if the family pays private pay for the number of years indicated in the contract. If there are no beds available in your area that take Medicaid at this time, it may be worth investing in a private pay facility that upholds contracts like this. If you anticipate that you will qualify for Medicaid at a later date, this can give you a sense of security. In cases where you or your loved one qualify for medical assistance and lack other means to cover assisted living expenses, it makes sense to investigate your options with this type of insurance.

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